FACT: Self-care is an ongoing practice that requires consistent effort and attention.
Not long ago, a young man asked for my opinion on whether he should treat his mother to a full-body massage to express gratitude for hosting a family reunion. She ended up doing all of the cooking, and by the end of the reunion, her head was pounding, and her blood pressure had shot up, despite being on two blood pressure medications. Concerned about his mother's well-being, he thought a spa treatment would help her relax and everything would return to normal.
I emphasized to the young man that while the spa treatment was a thoughtful gesture, his mother urgently needed to seek medical attention to avoid a possible stroke or heart attack. Long story short, she got her blood pressure under control and was able to enjoy the spa treatment.
What I really wanted to point out to the young man (and his mother) is that self-care is not an occasional indulgence, but the foundation of healthcare. It is a practice that prevents the feeling of being overwhelmed that the young man’s mother felt. It also prevents burnout, builds resilience, and enhances long-term well-being.
Self-care is as vital to health as the alphabet is to reading, so I've created twenty-six reminders for anyone on the fence regarding the myth that self-care is a one-time indulgence. Read them! Post them! Practice them daily!
small change Self-care from A-Z:
Ask for help
Breathe deep to relax
Communicate clearly
Dress smartly
Eat in moderation
Forgive everyone
Give thanks daily
Honor your body
Ignore naysayers
Journal your worries away
Keep what works
Let go of what doesn’t
Manage stress
Nap to rejuvenate
Optimize time
Pursue your passions
Quiet your mind in nature
Read more
Spend wisely
Think positive
Unleash creativity
Visualize goals
Work patiently
Xercise regularly
Yield cautiously
Zenfully laugh each day
If you’re not sure about how to begin your Self-care practice, start with A- Ask for help. I’m here with workshops and one-on-one coaching. Contact me at smallchange@myrtlerussell.com.