Growing up, when we kids came home with snacks and didn't want to share, Mama would say, "The more you give, the more you receive, so share it with your brothers and sisters or don't bring it into this house.”
One of my younger brothers, who always managed to get his hands on more candy than the rest of us, would mumble under his breath, “Is she crazy? How can I have more if I give it away to you’ll? No way.” So he would stay outside and eat his snacks or go to a nearby friend’s house (who also kept a stash of snacks) and eat them.
Mama’s message went right over our heads back then. She didn’t say much about why giving was important but knew what she was talking about. Her actions spoke louder than her words.
Mama was a cheerful giver. Rarely did anyone come to our home and not leave with something. It might have been food, furniture, plants, clothes, quilts, or sometimes just a handful of peppermint candy. But most often, they left with something. It was as if she had to give.
Here are a few things Mama understood but never spoke about: things that Gratitude taught me many years later, things that I’m grateful to share:
· Giving and Gratitude go hand in hand; together, they transform lives
· Giving is no more than sharing our blessings
· Giving creates a ripple effect of positivity
· Giving opens us up to the abundance of the universe
· Gratitude reinforces our desire to continue giving
· Giving from the heart brings joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose
· Giving can bring about positive changes in the lives of those in need
· Giving shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have to offer
· Giving helps us recognize that even the smallest acts of kindness make a difference
· Giving and Gratitude lead to a life of service
You are a gift. I am a gift. The gift is in the giving, and when we are grateful for our gifts, we share them generously through our service to others. As my most respected athlete, Muhammad Ali, says, “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” Let the Wings of Gratitude help you unwrap!
Keeping a Gratitude Journal is an excellent place to begin recognizing your gifts and bounty. Need help getting started? Email me at for a “FREE DOWNLOAD TO BEGIN GRATITUDE JOURNALING.”