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Three things the Alphabet and Gratitude have in common

I am determined to raise awareness of the health benefits of learning to live grateful. I am so determined that I recently completed part one of my “ABCs of Gratitude,” an idea inspired by Phyllis Cole-Dai. Phyllis is a multi-talented author, poet, and creator of The Raft, an online platform that provides resources to inspire members to live from their “true spot.”  Her "Daily Boosts"  sparked the idea for my “ABCs of Gratitude.”

 Why? Because I believe that Gratitude and the ABCs share three fundamental distinctions:


1) Both are essential building blocks for positive relationships. Just as alphabets form words and sentences that express thoughts and feelings that connect us to our fellow human beings, so does Gratitude. Akin to words, by allowing us to recognize and appreciate the kindness and support of others, Gratitude is a fundamental building block for forming positive relationships. They both change lives.

2) Both are infinite multipliers. Various combinations of merely twenty-six letters form an endless stream of creative expressions through words. Even if you could count the number of words in the English language, no one can count the number of ways they can be expressed. Gratitude is no different. It is expressed both internally, manifesting as feelings of warmth, contentment, and joy, and externally through words of thanks and acts of kindness that create a ripple effect of positive energy that expands and magnifies goodness. A bonus is that Gratitude Journaling leads to other forms of introspective journaling.

3) Both can be taught. The ABCs and Gratitude are easy to teach but require practice. The ABCs are introduced to children at a young age when they typically begin to develop language skills. When they enter grade school, modeling, songs, games, and learning to form letters and words become a classroom ritual. Like the ABCs, Gratitude can be taught using a similar model and introduced at any age. No one is too young or old to benefit from learning to live grateful.

So, I'm now working on part two of the ABCs of Gratitude. I plan to make it the second in my small change the write way series of journals. I hope you read the previews in my small change Blog (

More importantly, I hope you embark on one of the most rewarding journeys you will ever take, the Gratitude Journaling Journey. Need help getting started? Feel free to contact me at


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