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What exciting dreams are you envisioning for 2025?

"The biggest regret people have at the end of life is not what they did; it's what they didn't do to live their dreams."

Everyone has dreams, whether they reflect personal aspirations or help us navigate everyday challenges. Living your dreams is good medicine for achieving optimal health and well-being.

When I retired from public health in 2021, I dreamed of creating the small change Toolkit to empower individuals to reshape the way they think about health and what it means to be well. Thanks to Gratitude, the most powerful tool in the toolkit, and a few other innovative materials, that dream is now a reality.

The second most impactful tool is the pen, with its magic-like ability to inspire and provoke creativity. It was the pen that framed the outline for the kit. I've journaled for over twenty-five years and haven't encountered a problem that a few strokes of a ballpoint couldn’t help solve. Whether putting pen to paper to shift my mood, make a "to-do" list, or write my blog, the pen is my treasured creative companion.

I'm a Baby Boomer, so digital devices weren't fixtures in the environment in which I grew up. Therefore, I keep a pen and paper close by, much like Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zs keep their cell phones. I understand the demanding roles digital gadgets play in our lives.

However, taking a well-deserved break from screens is beneficial for everyone. Excessive screen time is linked to various health problems, including sleep deprivation, depression, addiction, and obesity, to name a few. The pen offers an escape from this digital overload. In addition, my pen, coupled with Gratitude, keeps me dreaming.

I have a dream that one day, thousands of individuals will use tools from the small change Toolkit to put wings on their dreams.

Nevertheless, whether my dream materializes isn't as important as the adventure of turning it into reality. Gratitude has taught me that it is the journey that brings about mental, emotional, and physical benefits that enhance my well-being. Therefore, every day I spend pursuing my dream is a joy-filled day!

Look around you. Everything you see started as a dream. The device you're using to read this blog, your pen, your car, your home—it all was first a dream.

What exciting dreams are you envisioning for 2025? Whatever they are, remember they show up for a reason. So this week, try letting the pen work its magic for you. It is a noteworthy instrument that has sparked revolutions and exposed injustices. The pen has the capability to touch hearts, change minds, ignite flames of passion, write books, and, it can help you bring your dreams to life.

Here are a few journaling prompts to get you started. Go ahead and grab a pen, a notebook, or a journal, and spend at least 15-30 minutes on each prompt. Allow your pen to activate your brain. Let it delve deeper into your thoughts and emotions. Trust it to glide across the page and spark new ideas that are related to your dream, or point you toward something equally as good or better.

Choose one prompt each day for the next seven days (but don’t be surprised if your pen charms you into spending more time with it). Let your thoughts flow freely without judgment. Revisit your entries periodically to track your growth. Happy journaling!

Journaling Prompt # 1: What do you love doing so much that you would do it for free? Describe how it may be connected to your dream.

Journaling Prompt # 2: Describe in detail what your life would look like if you were living your dream today. As you write, watch the pen work its charm by revealing steps you can take to put ideas in motion.

Journaling Prompt # 3: List one new activity you've wanted to try. Describe what has kept you from trying it.

Journaling Prompt # 4: List your strengths and your talents. Describe what is unique about you.

Journaling Prompt # 5: Describe what you want people to say about you at your funeral. How would you like your eulogy to read?

Journaling Prompt # 6: List the things you say you're terrible at but never tried. Explain why you haven't attempted them.

Journaling Prompt # 7: Who would be part of your ideal support system as you pursue your dreams? Describe how they can help you, and at least one step you can take to solicit their help.

Need help pursuing your dreams? Contact me at Read my weekly small change Tips to Be Well Blog at They can be delivered to your email box by subscribing at 

Be Grateful, Be Well!


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